
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

TEXT Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

TEXT - Article ExampleIn order to implement this marketing concept, the target market is identified first and segmentation is carried let out on the basis of psychographics, geography, behavior and finally the harvest mix is applied to satisfy and build long call customer relationships. Product mix is comprised of four Ps of marketing namely harvesting, pricing, placement and promotion. A product could be any physical product or a service that meets the demands of the customers. Pricing is carried out on the techniques of marketing skimming or penetration so that market share is grabbed by the fraternity by setting initially higher and lower prices respectively. Distribution of products to the customers involves a supply chain of activities where the cranky materials are provided by the supplier, assembled at the manufacturers plant, stored in the warehousing and then sent to the retailer for making it available for customers purchase. In order to create awareness among the cus tomers about the product/service the company offers, techniques of advertising, personal selling and maintaining public relations are regarded significant. Customer relationship wariness is considered vital for any organizations success because satisfied customers yield more profits. Every product has to go through a cycle where is it first introduced in the market, then it sees a phase of maturation where the focus is on generating sales, then the product stabilizes or becomes mature in the market and generates good profits. Lastly, when contest becomes intense or the marketing efforts to maintain the products image fails, it goes through the declining

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