
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Comparison of two works in Museum of Modern Art Term Paper

Comparison of two works in Museum of Modern Art - Term typography ExampleThe paper Comparison of two works in Museum of Modern Art compares Fernand ledgers Woman With a Book with Meret Oppenheims Red Head, Blue Body. Painters use the techniques they employ in their paintings and the features of the society they portray in the same. The discussion below therefore analyses features of two paintings developed in diametrical times with the painters employing particular techniques in ensuring the efficacy of the artifacts. Woman With a Book painted by Fernand Leger in 1923 and Red Head, Blue Body painted by Meret Oppenheim in 1936 have fundamental differences and similarities that ease portray the social, cultural and technological development in the art within the decade that separates them as the discussion below portrays. Just as the name suggests, Woman With a Book, is an artistic oil on essay painting of a woman holding a book. The painting depicts the painters artistic misgi ving and urge to create a new style in painting thereby debuting the mechanical age. In the painting, Fernand Leger portrays his artistic skills as he employs particular elements in developing the painting. He employs such elements as appropriate shapes and colors thereby developing effective foreground, middle ground and background in his artifacts. These get up his communication as he envisioned the final artifact. The choice to use oil on canvas is appropriate, as it has contributed to the longevity of the painting in the museum. Oil on canvas was a major stripping in the early years of art.

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