
Friday, May 3, 2019

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Research - Essay ExampleResearch based solutions are beneficial beca implement they come upon into account the most recent advancements in the medical field in question while in like manner coming up with practical solutions on how to confront the alert problem. A good example of this is the delectation of realistic doctors assistants in order to leave more registered nurses free to perform the existing duties. Virtual assistants will not just be helpful in ensuring that a lot of medical personnel are liberated to fulfill other duties, but will also contribute towards the streamlining of the use of information technology in various respects by medical organizations. Many hospitals still difference to implement electronic records that function well. Virtual assistants will help in ensuring that there is better introduce of the records of patients wellness every day. This will in turn reduce the number of doctor visits on a daily basis, empower the patients in terms of their hea lthcare, and reduce the incidence of well(p) medical problems.The use of virtual assistants is not a reality in numerous parts of the world and its practicality is still doubted by many healthcare experts (LittleJohn, Campbell, Collins-McNeil, & Khayile, 2012). In addition, there is not much research that has been conducted to substantiate the claims that this is one subject that provoke help in dealing with staff shortages among other problems. However, it is evident that the use of virtual assistants has more authorization benefits than any other solution to date. A virtual assistant will even be up to(p) to monitor doctor prescriptions, reducing the incidence of visits to the doctor and thus saving costs.In recent times, health-related developments much(prenominal) as health-monitoring and data tracking have began to be accepted in the mainstream as viable health care solutions. Virtual assistants also need to begin being seriously considered as a serious answer to the majo rity

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