
Monday, February 18, 2019

Analysis of The Man He Killed, Reconciliation, and Dreamers Essay

Analysis of The military small-arm He Killed, Reconciliation, and DreamersIn the chosen poems, Thomas fearless, Walt Whitman, and Sigfried Sassooneach have a greens viewpoint war brings out the worst in man, a flavor burieddeep inside the heart. Even with this clotting of the mind payable to the twistingways of war, a flicker of remorse, a dream of some(prenominal)place, something else notwithstandingexists within the rational thought. These poems express hope, the hope that warwill not be necessary. They show that man only use ups because he must, notbecause of some inbred passion for closing. These three authors express thisviewpoint in their hold ways in their poems The Man He Killed,Reconciliation, and Dreamers.In The Man He Killed, Hardy speaks about the absurdity of war. He givesa muniment of how he kills a foe, and that this foe could be a patron ifthey met by some old ancient inn, instead of the battlefield. Hardy says...quaint and curious war is...you shoot a fe llow down youd airiness if metwhere any bar is... In this Hardy speaks how war twists the mind, and alsomakes you kill people you have no personal vendetta against.In Reconciliation, Whitman shows the nakedness of war. In a war, youkill someone and even if you win, you lose. Whitman describes a man mourningover the death of his foe. He rejoices over the ultimate death of warBeautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage must...be abruptly lost. Healso feels great remorse over his so called e...

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