
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The First Instance of Weather Symbolism in Jane Eyre

ane Eyre the protagonist Jane is isolated in her own home, in which she is treated as an unwelcomed guest, and the author begins to illustrate and convey the feelings of entrapment and constraint to the reader in this passage, often done with symbolic representation of emotion through the weather and nature in gothic novels such as this. She combines this symbolism with desolate diction and structure that mimics Jane’s daily life to communicate the feeling of imprisonment and constraint experienced at Gateshead. You can read also com/analysis-of-literary-devices-of-jane-eyre/">Analysis of Literary Devices of Jane EyreWhen one lives life without love, in an atmosphere of resentment they often become depressed. In Jane’s case it mostly revolves around this home in which she cannot leave. Jane is seldom allowed to speak, let alone speak her mind, she is treated like a second class citizen and because of this she is entrapped in her own mind as well as this house she â€Å"has no possibility† of leaving as she puts it in line one.The author begins to reveal these emotions through the weather surrounding Jane; the storm surrounding the house for example is symbolically surrounding Jane’s heart. In the second sentence Bronte begins to describe an outdoor scene in which she mentions a â€Å"leafless shrubbery†, a plant that is obviously hibernating for winter and has thus receded into itself much like the way the real Jane has been trapped inside her own head.When imagin ed a leafless shrubbery is quite dead looking and can only be really determined dead or alive by what the season is and as such as long as Jane remains in this home so associated with winter she will continue to be hibernating and emotionally dead. In the fourth line the weather is described as quite bleak and desolate, â€Å"the cold winter winds had brought with it clouds so somberand rain so penetrating that further outdoor exercise was now out of the question. † (Line 4-6) Such a description evokes powerful imagery when associated as symbolic of Jane's emotional state.The cold winter winds are the home in which she resides as while the winds in and of themselves are painful and uncomfortable they have brought worse things with them while continuing themselves, her life in this home is painful but the people who live there with her make it all the more worse. The clouds so somber and rains so penetrating are sad images, a type of weather that most associate with being stuc k inside, entrapped somewhere be it at home on a summers day or being denied the recess as a child that one most desperately wanted.Bronte uses these universal feelings to allow the reader to associate with Jane on a level that deepens when they further read into the passage, the weather preparing the reader to sympathize with Jane. After this point in the passage weather is not brought to attention again until the last paragraph in which Jane narrates that she then at this time her younger self studied the weather outside and as she looked outside â€Å" afar, it offered a pale blank of mist and cloud; near a scene of wet lawn and storm-beaten shrub, ceaseless rain sweeping away wildly before a long and lamentable blast. lines(37-40) Now again the weather should be taken as emotional symbolism (it is a gothic novel after all) and further illustrates how Jane’s feeling. She describes that as far as she can see is nothing but a â€Å"pale blank of mist and cloud†; this is supposed to symbolize the all encompassing feelings of entrapment in effect. Mist and clouds when thought of hide all but what is in front of one’s face, the overcome all barriers and leave one hidden from all.The point of all this mist is to illustrate what Jane is thinking, all she can see in front of her is more of this wet mist, mist being a smaller scale version of a storm as both are clouds, all Jane sees is more abuse in this home, some of which was just shown in the preceding three paragraphs. The symbol mentioned is that of the shrub now beaten down by this great storm, Jane has been just been verbally beaten by her Aunt. If someone has ever seen the aftermath of a great storm, such as the north east recent experienced at the hands of hurricane Sandy, they will see how what should be proud old oaks can be brought down so low.This sentence ends with Jane describing a â€Å"ceaseless rain sweeping away wildly before a long and lamentable blast†, the ceaseles s rain here can be thought as the aunt who in this home wields as much power as a force of nature, i. e. the rain, and this power that she wields often is used to bring Jane down just like the storm beaten shrub. In what sort of institution does the system attempt to break its occupants? Prisons and jails do which brings this symbolism all back to this feeling of submission and loss of control.This shrub/Jane is now so bent and broken that she is about to give in with one last â€Å"long and lamentable blast. † (Line 40) Jane is in a truly grand home full of all sorts of amenities but no amount of materialism can protect her and is in fact making her feel even more entrapped and constrained, she is without love and this wealth is â€Å"protecting, but not separating [her] from the drear November day. † Bronte uses diction to subtlety introduce thoughts of Jane into that of the reader.The vocabulary that Bronte uses in this passage often is what one would associate with bad days, depression and giving up. The very first line of the passage is a denial, â€Å"there was no possibility of going outside†, she is literally being constrained in what she can and cannot do. This is further expanded on by her treatment by her aunt. It allows for a springboard effect in which her use of this type of language prior to the incident in which the actual trouble starts allows for the incident to seem worse or more profound than it would alone.She is down trodden and the in regards to changing this†¦ â€Å"There is no possibility†. (Line 1) The second paragraph provides keen examples of this with lines such as â€Å"dreadful was the coming home in the raw twilight†¦.. humbled by the consciousness of my physical inferiority†¦ † Jane is overwhelmed by emotions of entrapment and constraint, these emotions are often accompanied by the feelings Bronte uses in this line.Repeated abuse and confinement often make one â€Å"raw† and have a certain connotation that one would describe as â€Å"dreadful†. Entrapment and constraint often make the victim either submissive or rebellious and Jane can be considered the former, she is â€Å"humbled by the consciousness of her physicalinferiority† and the author is using these secondary emotions that go along with entrapment in order to cover the full range of emotions associated with it as well as make what she is trying to convey more clear.If Jane was described as happy-go-lucky and optimistic then the idea that she was feeling so suffocated would lose much of its potency. The language of this passage is there to allow the reader to not just understand that Jane is indeed trapped and constrained but also alone and saddened and defeated as one who is truly entrapped would feel. The way in which this passage is constructed allows for certain insight into how Jane’s experience at Gateshead truly is, the structure allowing for perfect example of l ife for this child.The paragraphs themselves are constrained much like Jane, the first containing but two sentences and the third is a single sentence as well with the first sentence of that first paragraph being a single simple though that â€Å"there was no possibility of taking a walk this day. † (Line 1) This simplicity from what is obviously an intelligent person, based on the fact that they remember such great detail from such an early age, indicates that some range of thought is being restricted; Jane is as restricted as the story in this egard. Jane then is describing what is going on around her and gradually becomes more complex and liberated to suddenly have her end of things cut short in paragraph 3 in which the paragraph is dominated by her aunt’s dialogue. When someone is dominating another person that person is constrained. This long winded speech by the aunt is then followed by the single line â€Å"What does Bessie say I have done? † to be overco me by another long complex statement by the aunt.Jane is sandwiched by her aunt’s tirades and after she is beaten down the symbolism previously discussed begins again in which the weather dictates emotion. The weather, dominance, weather pattern illustrates that it is her aunt that is making Jane feel the way she does and further proves these feelings of entrapment and constraint to the reader. This scene being the way Bronte chooses to prove how far and by whom this entrapment and constraint has come to be.In true gothic fashion the winds and rain show the raw emotions of Jane Eyre on display, the diction preemptively brought the reader closer to Jane and the structure of the story illustrates the everyday occurrence of such abuse on this poor child. The use of these elements in which she told her story has allowed Charlotte Bronte to subtly convey the deep feelings of constraint and entrapment of Jane on a level copied for generations.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Humanities Today †Define humanities and give current examples Essay

The Encyclopedia Britannica (2006) defines the humanities as â€Å"Branches of knowledge that investigate human beings, their culture, and their self-expression. † (Humanities). Those branches of knowledge include philosophy, literature, languages, the arts, religion and history. The humanities examine the human condition by studying the elements of culture that describe what is or was valued and considered important at a particular point in time. 15th century Italian humanists referred to the humanities as studia humanitas which means the studies of humanity, indicating â€Å"secular literary and scholarly activities (in grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, moral philosophy, and ancient Greek and Latin studies)† that that they thought to be more humane and classical rather than divine (Humanities, 2006). In contrast, the physical sciences tend to examine the world and its phenomena objectively, without reference to or consideration of human meaning and purpose, a key aspect of the humanities. Scholars further argue that the humanities are distinguished from other modes of study by either their subject mater and by the method of investigation used. One philosopher called the humanities â€Å"the spiritual sciences† and â€Å"the human sciences† (Humanities, 2006). He described them as â€Å"areas of knowledge† outside of the physical sciences. On the other hand, another turn-of-the-century philosopher instead characterized the humanities according to their method of study. He argued that the humanities do not seek or follow general laws, as the sciences do; and that they focus on values within human and cultural contexts, which is directly contrary to scientific methodologies. As described above, the humanities seek to understand the values of a people and their perceptions based on their direct expression through the arts, their language, and philosophies. Science is motivated by the desire to understand natural phenomena and dependent on empirical observation (Talk: Humanities, 2006). The 21st century brings a variety of social, economic, and technological changes. Following is a demonstration of the humanities in the 21st century through the examination of its art, music, architecture, philosophy, and literature. Art Is modern art in crisis? A new philosophical criticism emerged in the person of American critic Arthur Danto, who came out with the idea that â€Å"the objects [of art] approach zero as their theory approaches infinity†Ã¢â‚¬â€œthat is, â€Å"art really is over, having become transmuted into philosophy† (Art Criticism, 2006). In his book The End of Art, author Donald Kuspit (2005) suggests that, â€Å"Art has been replaced by postart, [†¦ ] as a new visual category that elevates the banal over the enigmatic, the scatological over the sacred, cleverness over creativity. † Contemporary art, or art that is done now, is largely characterized by its indefinability. It tends to include art made from the late 1960s to the present, or after the supposed or putative end of modern art or the Modernist period (Contemporary Art, 2006). Today’s art, like most of the humanities, has been transformed by technological, economical, and sociological advancements. It may or may not use traditional forms such as painting or drawing, and often includes the use of any variety of materials, video, or even performance as a part of it. One trend seems to be a focus on world issues such as cloning, the price of oil, gender and sexuality, human rights, and war. A representative example is one of the most talked-about sales in the contemporary market. Maurizio Cattelan’s The Ballad of Trotsky (1996), a stuffed horse hanging in a leather sling from the ceiling, sold for $2,080,000 in 2005 (Art and Exhibitions, 2006). Music Contemporary music has also been greatly influenced by 21st century globalism. It has seen a development and acceptance of world music, or music that features or originates in a different culture. American artists such as Paul Simon and Sting featured musicians and singers from other countries and went on to win Grammy’s and American Music Awards. Simon’s Grammy Award-winning album Graceland (1986) featured black South African Musicians who controversially recorded and toured with him despite a widespread trade boycott of South Africa, selling more than five million copies since its release (World Music, 2006). Sting featured Farhat Bouallagui on his Brand New Day aIbum and Vicente Amigo and Anoushka Shankar on his Scared Love album. In the wake of their success, record stores became more willing to stock music of their kind. Architecture Critics have described one trend in 21st century architecture as â€Å"deconstructivist architecture†. In popular usage, the term has come to mean a critical dismantling of tradition and traditional modes of thought (Deconstruction, 2006). Technology has played a significant role in the development of deconstuctivist architectural methodologies. Architects such as Frank Gehry, who designed the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain used computer modeling to develop its angular, anthropomorphic exterior. Made mostly of titanium, the museum was designed to represent the industrial heritage of the city’s past. The museum was an international success and helped put Bilbao on the world’s cultural map. Philosophy – A notable philosophy of the 21st century is that of the democratic community. Community in this case is defined globally. Philosophers such as American John Dewey believed in social planning, in conscious intelligent intervention to produce desirable social change; and he proposed a new â€Å"guide to enlightened public action to promote the aims of a democratic community† (Philosophy, 2006). Dewey’s writings and teachings have brought modern society to a place where it considers that it is only as strong as its individual members and their willingness to work together to evolve and to meet the challenges facing it. Technological advancements in travel and communication alone have created a new world where anyone can send anything just about anywhere in a matter of minutes, days, or hours – including explosives and disease. In addition to diseases like HIV and the Bird Flu, this world community is faced with issues of severe weather such as killer tsunamis and hurricanes, and world terrorism. Modern philosophies like that of Dewey support the more pragmatic view and approach to solutions to societal issues of this type as the only way to successfully meet them is as a community. Literature Like many of the arts in contemporary society, literature is plagued by commercialism and by the desire for a quick paycheck. Contemporary literature features a great deal of writings about true events – the more sensational and graphic the better. In addition, it features a trend in crime study and investigation, beyond that of the mystery and private eye novels of the past. Today’s novels get into the science and methodology of solving violent crimes. Authors like James Patterson, Sue Grafton and John Grisham have enjoyed great popularity. Their success can be attributed to many things. The content and subject matter of these authors’ works feeds society’s desensitization to extreme violence and its increasing demand for subject matter that is more violent and more shocking in order to be more compelling. Further, several of these authors’ stories have been made into movies. The humanities are distinguished by their examination of the aspects of culture and the human condition through the eyes of the humans who experience and create them. The approach to their study differs from that of others areas of study, as does their focus on the reflection on human meaning and purpose. 21st century humanities continue to reinforce the idea that current culture and the human condition is reflected in them, no matter what century. References: Art Criticism. (2006). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 4, 2006, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Premium Service: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-236417 Art and Art Exhibitions. (2006). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 4, 2006, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Premium Service: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-234830 Contemporary Art. (2006). Retrieved June 3, 2006 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Contemporary_art Deconstruction. (2006). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 4, 2006, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Premium Service: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9029711 Humanities. (2006). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 3, 2006, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Premium Service: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9041479 Kuspit, D. (2005). The End of Art. Cambridge University Press. Marcel Duchamp. (2006). Retrived June 3, 2006 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Marcel_Duchamp Philosophy, History of. (2006). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 4, 2006, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Premium Service: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-8876 Talk: Humanities, (2006). Retrieved June 4, 2006 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Talk:Humanities World Music. (2006). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved June 4, 2006, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Premium Service: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-93180.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Apartheid in Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Apartheid in Africa - Essay Example Therefore, apartheid system of governance referred to legal racial segregation which although was used by many colonizers in various colonies in Africa, was majorly dominant in South Africa. This paper examines apartheid system of leadership, its effects and the way in which Africans rose to oppose it with specific attribution to South Africa. Substantial amount of empirical studies point it out that racial discrimination and separations existed before the NP became took over power (Beger pp1; Welsh pp 146 & Hemmel pp 4). The system only utilized racial discrimination as tool to oppress Africans and other non whites during those periods. South Africa was colonized both by the Dutch and the English from seventeenth century (Hummel pp. 4). In fact, the racial separation was introduced by the Europeans who by late 15th century were already combing various parts of the world in search of new sources power and wealth. These quests led to enslavement, racial inequalities and oppression of the natives of the lands they conquered. They also ruled by extensively exploiting the natural resources grabbing lands they felt were good for their settlement and forced the original occupants to dwell in certain area. The racial segregation and white dominance employed by NP party mimicked the aforementioned aspects. Foremost, the Dutch descendants also referred to as the Boers or the Afrikaners established colonies in areas of Transvaal and Orange Free States. Later on, the discovery of diamond on these areas around 1900 century caused English invasion. This pointed out their thirsts for economic resources and the extent at which they are willing to go grab them. Secondly, the government at this time, which was a coalition between the two powerful Europeans, passed the Native Land Act of 1913. The legislation saw many Africans being forced to live in reserves and banned from accessing certain public areas or

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Undecided Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Undecided - Assignment Example This is evident in their intention to cross the first bridge between Europe and Asia knowing well that a heavy storm had broken it down. Xerxes and the Persian Army dared to take risks beyond their reasonable thresholds. The decision-making processes were not based on intelligence, but rather on the hope that the Greek Armies were divided. Finally, the Persian Army consisted of traitors, which gave leading information to the Spartan Army (Herodotus 165). Even though the Greek army was separated into city-states, Herodotus explains that each city-state had a special link to another when it came to war (Herodotus 145). As the revelation comes of an impending attack, the Spartans quickly organize a united force to resist the enemy. Secondly, The Greek armies were operating on the timely information to make intelligent decisions. Thirdly, the Greek Army had well trained soldiers, all of whom had a voice based on the democracy and the religious set up of the city-states. Unlike the Persian Army, the Greeks were able to share news of an advancing enemy and ideas on how to resist. Finally, Herodotus reveals that the Greeks took an advantage of the Persian Traitors to defeat them (Herodotus

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Finding and Evaluating Business Opportunities Case Study - 1

Finding and Evaluating Business Opportunities - Case Study Example From a detailed case study, it is identified that original KIPP schools in Huston and New York are successful. Huston and New York schools enrolled approximately 300 and 200 students respectively by the end of 1998. It was a great achievement in the American educational history since majority students had been giving little attention to their education till that period. The KIPP schools admit children by blind lottery without considering their prior achievement, special education needs, or bilingual status. In addition, this program forces the parents and students to sign KIPP commitment forms and documents that clearly define various duties and responsibilities of teachers, students, and parents. These practices are the most notable elements of their operational model that set them apart from standard schools. However, the efficient management strategies raised the KIPP schools to the position of charter schools that they received funding and oversight directly from Texas Education Agency. The KIPP schools possess a good culture as the sustained commitment of students, teachers, and parents became the hallmark of the schools. As a result, the school management could ensure the active participation of parents in this education program. Academic discipline is one of the most prominent qualities that the KIPP schools managements do not like to compromise with. In addition to the academic growth, the KIPP schools also aim at the overall development of each student as an individual. The schools give great emphasis on the recruitment of qualified teachers, and it has largely contributed to the overall success of the KIPP schools. The teachers are given the freedom to practice their own instructional styles and techniques and that makes the KIPP schools different from other public schools. However, above all, the creative strategic formulation of Mike Feinberg and David Levin was the central factor that intensified the rapid growth of KIPP schools. II. In my opinion, KIPP schools must be replicated since their initial ventures were successful. Although, the replication strategy assists the KIPP schools to expand largely, this process would raise numerous challenges to the management. For instance, Feinberg and Levin faced a series of challenges when they planned to launch their middle school program. They engaged in different phases of negotiations in order to get legal sanction from authorities. The same issue may become a barrier to KIPP school replication program also. While carrying out the proposed program, it is necessary to recruit new principals and train them efficiently. It would be a cumbersome task for Feinberg and Levin to ensure improved training packages for these new recruits. Presently, revenue for both schools is gained from public funds controlled either by school districts or state agencies. Since major portion of KIPP schools’ economic needs are financed by governmental authorities, the KIPP schools do not face finan cial crisis. However, the replicated schools may not get adequate financial assistance from government and such a situation would adversely affect this program. Lack of building facilities may also mitigate the effectiveness of new replication program. In addition, the new replication program would meet difficulty in recruiting sufficient fresh batches of fifth graders. Although the initial KIPP school programs are successful, if the students do not give enough priority to their education, it may adversely affect the basic objective of the proposed program. III. It is advisable for Feinberg, Levin, and Hamilton to design a specific path for the implementation of the proposed p

Compare and Contrast the Courage Theme in The kite runner and The life Essay

Compare and Contrast the Courage Theme in The kite runner and The life of Pi - Essay Example The Kite Runner is a story revolving around family, friendship, betrayal, and salvation.  This is a story of a young boy, Amir, who moves to America together with his father Baba after their servants- Ali and his son Hassan- left their home. Baba tries hard to make life possible in America. After his father falling sick for some time and dies, leaving him married and forced back to Afghanistan by a family friend where he realizes that Hassan is his half- brother, a secret kept from him by his father. During massacre, Hassan and his wife died leaving a son who lived with Amir and his wife in America later on. In this paper, the courage theme in both the Life of Pi and the Kite Runner, exploring how the two stories relate is my major concern. Seeking redemption, love and tension between father and son and the persistence of the past are the major themes in the Kite Runner. Themes in the life of pie are the nature of religious belief and the will to survive. The two stories relate in various ways especially when comparing the themes. For instance, the religious factor is inevitable in the two stories. In the Kite Runner, one of the courage themes is search for redemption. This is evidenced by Amir’s departure to America in order to start a new life with the aim of being born again, to leave behind sins and suffering and find a life full of freedom and finding forgiveness. Hassan’s death has really affected him and he thinks that this is the only way to let go off his past. Similarly, in the Life of Pi, religion is a common aspect. Pi was born in Hinduism. According to BookCaps, BookCaps Study Guides Staff, Pi does not forget about religious beliefs when he survives from the boat as he â€Å"modifies his rituals to work for him in his current state† (Life of Pi 7). This implies that, all his life since childhood, he gave religion first priority and will stick to it always no matter what difficulty comes his way. The aspect of the â€Å"survi val for the fittest† also characterizes both stories. Pi’s survival from the lifeboat was so miraculous because he was stuck there with a tiger, zebra, and hyena. The time he spent in the lifeboat was very strenuous and had to come up with proper strategy in order to survive. Although he was a vegetarian, the only way he had to adopt in order to survive and move on with his journey was to feed on what was available, which was fish. Pi also had to restrict himself to the safest places of the boat (â€Å"BookCaps, BookCaps Study Guides Staff,† Life of Pi 6). Sobra is also a survivor. After his parents’ death due to massacre, he manages to escape narrowly from the massacre and in the end finds a safer place to stay with his stepfather, Amir. There is the father- son relationship in both stories. Pi’s father developed a good relationship with his two sons. BookCaps, BookCaps Study Guides Staff states that they were taught zoo keeping since their father was a renowned zookeeper in India. He loved and cared for them so much and they left India together as a family to Canada (Life of Pi 6). Additionally, BookCaps, BookCaps Study Guides Staff narrates that Amir loved Baba even though they sometimes had differences with him and he thinks that he lives his life to his father’s expectations. After father’s death in America, he came back to Afghanistan but he finds life challenged by his pas deed and so he decides to leave again to America where he also fathered Hassan’

Friday, July 26, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 29

Research Paper Example However, the case was dismissed since Ali sued the human resource director rather than United States; therefore, the complaint was dismissed based on the deficiency of jurisdiction. Comparing the case of Ali v Rogers and Jack’s case both cases base complications on nationality issues. However, Jacks case base more ideas on employees rather than states. The case between Ali v Rogers base legal ideas on public vessels Act and Admiralty Act should have developed a case against United States rather than the human resource director. Therefore, both cases are dismissed because of insufficient jurisdictions in the two cases (Ali v. Rogers, 2015). Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sued Peabody 2001, alleging Peabody implementation of tribal hiring was illegal (EEOC v. Peabody, 2010). It was alleged that Peabody violated Title VII of Civil rights Act 1964. Additionally, Peabody had violated Title VII of record keeping requirements. In jack’s case, Jack was accused of violating the company’s records on laws touching policies of the Grocery just as EEOC case v Peabody. According to Zeinali v Raytheon business case, the court of appeal reversed the district court judgment (The Recorder, 2011). The court maintained federal precedent in excluding judicial evaluation of security authorization verdicts had no interest on employees’ and, therefore, discriminating against a private employer. Comparing, the case with Jacks, security issues have been addressed in Zeinali case by developing critical security issues for employees while Jacks case, security of employees is not taken into consideration. In July 2011, a black employee from South Africa called Jack secured recruitment as a chief security officer in a California grocery store. In the second week of work at the store, Jack spotted a white female customer robbing items from the store. Jack alerted Chris to assist her in stopping the theft at

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Environmentally Susutanable Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Environmentally Susutanable Business - Essay Example The companies of one country are successfully involved in trade relations with other countries. Also, many of the countries are having their production units in many parts of the world, making them truly multi – national corporations. The one major aspect of the tremendously competitive business world of today has been the flow of information. It is perceived that the right information in the right moment can do the trick. Also, the reach of the end customers have increased by great extent, thanks to the modern methods of communication like that of internet and cellular phones. Analysing the above facts, it can be well accepted that the commercial fraternity across the globe has been experiencing terrific competition like never before. Apart from the core competencies, the companies are always looking for the extra edge that could gain them the advantage. The companies of modern world are no more focusing on increasing only the shareholders’ value. Rather, the concept in contention today is the enhancement of stake holder’s value. Almost all of the major corporate houses are emphasising to create value for all the stake holders namely the customers, the suppliers, the employees, the regulators, the financial institutions and even for the media along with the true owners i.e. the shareholders. The companies are focusing more on sustainable and long term development. It is well accepted today that only those companies that bank upon sustainable development could exist amidst the turbulent times of today. Royal Dutch Shell, popularly known as Shell, has been one of the leading energy and the petro - chemical producing companies of the world. The company aims to meet the energy requirements of the society without compromising the economic, social and environmental factors. The group recognises the fact that resources are scarce and therefore employs every possible measure to use the resources in the best possible

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Airports of the Future Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Airports of the Future - Term Paper Example Decision Support Systems constitute a class of computer-based information system that includes knowledge-based systems supporting the activities of decision making. Future Traffic The condition of future traffic is questionable. It is likely to grow in a much higher rate. This is due to the fact that the domestic market is not yet saturated and the drastic increase in population and national wealth. Increase in globalization will also give more reasons to travel for long distances for personal reasons and business. The traffic has also increased steadily due to a reduction in costs due to such changes like deregulation of the economy by the airlines, lowering of the fuel prices, rise in revenue due to the introduction of yield management systems and more efficient and larger aircraft that have to engines and fewer pilots. The international components are likely to expand due in the future due to factors like growth or increase in the number of foreign visitors and improvement in the range of aircraft facilitating the long distance travel. In order to adjust to globalization, airports will have to install customs and adopt international standards of service and communication. Cargo traffic is also expected to rise due to the advancement of companies in terms of systems of distribution around electronic commerce. The growth of cargo carrier will also be hastened due to suppliers substituting websites for mortal and brick stores and shipment to customers directly for in-store inventories and warehouses (Neufville, 2000). Future Airport Designs There are likely massive changes in the design of airports. However planners must be careful as this may affect the airport’s airside in regard to the length, spacing an orientation of the runways as well as the landslide as concerns the functions and configuration of the buildings of the airport passenger. These changes will be as a result of increase in economic significance of air transportation that lead to indivi duals concerned to look after the facilities of the airport and treat them as businesses. Furthermore, there are estimates of the economic benefits that accompany main airport expansion that will surely have an effect on the future airport systems planning and design. Airside: future airports with long runways that are unconstrained in their operations will allow the aircraft that is heavily loaded to travel unusually long ranges. This will transform the patterns of international travel drastically. New massive airports are will also be expected, those with sets of unusually long parallel runways. These will act as counterpieces of transfer hub or new economic area. The design of these airports will result to New Large Aircraft (NLA) that will demand separation of taxiways, runways and buildings more than is considered standard at the moment. Therefore, there is a greater chance in the change of patterns of international and intercontinental gateways. Due to the increase in the leve l of traffic and number of airports in the metropolitan, main airports will not be able to hold all kinds of traffic. This will lead to the emergence of complementary clusters of airports that will serve international cheap fare or charter airlines. Landslides: airport passenger buildings will also be likely to change much in the future. The changes are likely to rearrange the allocation of spaces and types facilities in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Introduction Of Billingual Education In Educational Institutions Essay

The Introduction Of Billingual Education In Educational Institutions Around America - Essay Example In many parts of educational development, bilingual education is treated as learning for non-American students. The use of their native language along with the inculcation of English to their vocabulary is the main aim of this program. According to educators, this is more likely an ESL program that would indeed assist foreign nationals living in the American territories to adapt to the society, especially with regards to children who are born in America. This would help the non-Americans to be ‘one’ with the American community in terms of language. To the educators, this is a way by which America could be able to overcome ethnic differences in the country. However, some language experts say that this is not an easy task for early childhood educators. The fact is that at times, some students come to the American region with a fluency on their native language already and thus may not have so much interest in knowing other languages more. Aside form this, according to some ‘English Only’ advocates, â€Å"bilingualism would only lead to an ethnic line of division between the nationalistic views of the natives of America† (Internet). Many educators are indeed amiable that bilingual education is an essential part of learning especially with children who are of different ethnic society in the United States. Many professional early child education experts consider that through the utilization of bilingualism in the educational systems, children would become more concern and highly, in connection with their language. ... However, some issues need to be addressed when bilingual education is being discussed. Scope of the Problem In many parts of educational development, bilingual education is treated as learning for non-American students. The use of their native language along with the inculcation of English to their vocabulary is the main aim of this program. According to educators, this is more likely an ESL program that would indeed assist foreign nationals living in the American territories to adapt to the society, especially with regards to children who are born in America. This would help the non-Americans to be 'one' with the American community in terms of language. To the educators, this is a way by which America could be able to overcome ethnic differences in the country. However, some language experts say that this is not an easy task for early childhood educators. The fact is that at times, some students come to the American region with a fluency on their native language already and thus may not have so much interest in knowing other languages more. Aside form this, according to some 'English Onl y' advocates, "bilingualism would only lead to an ethnic line of division between the nationalistic views of the natives of America" (Internet). The Pros of the Issue on Bilingual Education Implementation Many educators are indeed amiable that bilingual education is an essential part of learning especially with children who are of different ethnic society in the United States. Many professional early child education experts consider that through the utilization of bilingualism in the educational systems, children would become more concern and highly, in connection with their environment because of their

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Missing Melody Essay Example for Free

The Missing Melody Essay I woke up in the middle of the night with a sweat all over my face. â€Å"Oh, it is such a horrible nightmare I had.† I said to myself. I lighted the candle in my room; the small frame gave me a warmer atmosphere; so I felt a lot better. I tried to continue my sleeping but I had a strong sense that there is something wrong. And what made me frighten until my heart beat faster was my sense is never lie to the reality. Nevertheless, I felt asleep again with my doubtful mind. Three hours later, the phone rang. It is irregularly for receiving a call, especially in the morning. A widow and owner of a small farmhouse like me did not give away my home number to many people. I was hesitating, but deep down I knew that the call needed to be pick up, so I did. Unexpectedly, the man’s voice introduced himself as a police from investigation department. I needed to prepare myself for their arrival at my estate; they wanted to ask me a few questions about the mysterious murder which happened to my closest neighborhood. I was shocked and almost got paralysis. I got dress and went down stair to prepare myself for the coming investigation. Instead of sitting down and wait, I walked up and down around my living room. I got even more frighten to know that bad thing did really happen and it involved me. I could not think of the sane reason which made anyone of The Hays got murder, they are such a lovely couple. The husband was the owner and worked in the farm while the wife took care of entire domestic matters. What a brutal person could do this to them, I thought. Then the knocking on my door interrupted my thought. They came to me because I was the only neighbor of the dead man, Mr. Hay. I told them honestly that I stayed inside all night and I did not hear anything weird. I felt so much pity for Sandy; she was a gorgeous singer in town before she became Mrs. Hay. Then they asked me to go to the Hays’ place to get some clothes for Sandy, she was in the police station. I really wanted to do the b est thing I can to help a nice and generous lady from her miseries. So they took me inside their house and up stair to their bedroom. The house seemed so usual and peaceful. A peaceful in a murder place, I might have gone mad. They told me that they had nothing to do in this place and wanted to see the plant grower of this farm for more investigation, because they could not find any evidence or suspect in this place. So they left me alone in order to select the appropriate cloths for poor Sandy. I opened the white wardrobe with a sweet decoration, and grabbed things that I hope to be useful for Sandy. I knew that she would be depressed after confronted this kind of situation, so I continued to look for something that would be meaningful to her to help her feel better somehow. I glance my eyes over, and surprisingly I found what I intended. I knew that in a women’s wardrobe, there was a secret drawer that men never realize. So I open it with great hope to find some precious gift that Sandy kept. I found a wooden box, with beautiful carve. I was sure Sandy would be glad to see this present from Mr. Hay right now. However, I sense that I did not want the police to see this precious box, because I wanted to surprise Sandy. Then I rushed, gathered all Sandy would need, but the box fell down on the floor. I put my hands on my mouth, so I would not scream so loud to the police’s ears. What I saw on the floor, another unexpectedly, is a spring green beautiful feather of bird. Then I heard the police’s footstep coming, therefore I kept the feather in my pocket rapidly. I went to the police station with them. Along the way, I only spend my time consider of how would the feather become a precious object for Sandy. The police ask me about Sandy’s motivation to commit murder, and I absolutely answer that Sandy is too fragile to do thing like that. When we arrived, I hurried to meet Sandy. Suddenly, I saw the most lament girl in the world. Sandy was wearing a shabby housewife dress and her very long hair was tangled. She was sitting with her face down and did not even move. The police told me that she hardly said a word since her husband died. They begged me to talk to Sandy in order to find more clues. Left alone just two of us, I told Sandy that I brought her some clothes she may need. She thanked me. I held her in my arms and brought her the feather. Just seeing this, she cried loudly, and I was a little bit shocked. She thanked me again and again with the tear on her face. â€Å"Though, I don’t understand the whole story, I’ll take you out of this place. Remember Sandy, just keep saying that you did not see or hear anything that night.† Sandy held me even tighter; I sense the women’s bond in every drop of my blood. â€Å"I will tell you everything after we left this place†, Sandy said to me. Although Sandy answered all of their questions, but no clues were found. They cannot arrest her in charge of murderer because they found no evidence to do so. After the investigation, I offered to taking care of Sandy at my place, and the police could not deny my assistance. Actually, I knew that Sandy is a murderer, but I insisted to help her because this is the right thing to do. I knew her enough, even more than her husband did. I knew exactly what I was doing, helping the murderer from punishment. I asked her how he died; Sandy answered with emotionless face that â€Å"After working in the farm, he was very tired and went to deep sleep. My long braided hair took his breath just like he did with the rope around my bird’s neck.† She told me that Mr. Hay would beat her if she sings; he hated what she loves the most. Then she got this bird from a plant grower as a birthday present. Since that day, Charice: the bird kept making pretty melodies instead of her wonderful voice. Sandy could not stand to let the mad who destroy her only happiness live. The woman bond between suffering woman is the strongest than trammel. The woman is fragile; seem to have no power but, if she is cornered, she can do anything that no one can imagine. I saved her because I was saved once in the same situation as well.

Appendix D-Carl Rogers8 Essay Example for Free

Appendix D-Carl Rogers8 Essay Some contributions that Sigmund Freud has brought to the psychological community is the psychodynamic theory. Psychodynamic theory is the behavior of psychological forces within the individual, often outside conscious awareness, (Chapter 11, p. 418). Freud believed that a person’s personality begins to develop in childhood, and the experiences that an individual goes through affects their personality development. Sigmund Freud believed that there were three parts to a person’s personality, there is Id, which involves the collection of unconscious urges and desires that continually seek expression, (Chapter 11, p.419). The second is ego, the ego is the psychic mechanism that controls all thinking and reasoning activities (Chapter 11, p. 420). The final personality is superego, this ego provides moral standards that a person has developed from their parents and social influences. Carl Jung believed that the role of the unconscious determines human behavior and believed that the ego’s source of strength and vitality came from the unconscious, (Chapter 11, p. 424). One of Jung’s most original ideas about the human psyche is the belief of collective unconscious, this theory comprises the memories and behavior patterns were inherited from past generations and therefore are shared by all humans, (Chapter 11, p. 425). These thought patterns were known as archetypes, these are mental images or representations of other people associated with a person’s perspective of an individual. Past figures were associated with others who hold similar positions in society or have characteristics of that personality type. Jung believed that people wore a mask or persona to others in order to protect their true personality from others. Another contribution that Jung brought to the psychological community was the belief that both men and women showed personality traits from both sexes and he referred to them as anima and animus. Anima was the feminine archetype that was expressed in males such as nurturing, and animus was the male archetype that is presented in a female personality such as aggressiveness. Jung also believed that people were divided into two general attitude types known as introverts and extroverts. Extroverts describes individuals who focus their attentions on others social lives instead of his or her own personal lives. Introverts are the exact opposite, these individuals tend to be more focused on their own experiences. Carl Rogers was considered the most prominent psychologists on humanistic theories. Rogers believed that people developed their personalities from positive experiences. He believed that every person was born with a genetic blueprint and that everyone is able to develop their personality based on what they were predisposed to know, this is called actualizing tendency. Actualizing tendency can describe the characteristics of all types of life including plants, animals, and human development. Rogers believed that humans developed their own self-image to fulfill their own potential of their inborn biological potential, in order to figure out that they want to do with their lives. He also believed that a person’s self-concept is closely aligned with their inborn capacities of what they were most likely to become, he called this a fully functioning person. A fully functioning person is self-directed and dedicated to their ideal self-actualization and strives to achieve it, even when their decisions are not made with the best judgment. Another theory that Rogers contributed was that people tend to be a more fully functioning individual if they were raised with unconditional positive regard from their parents, this is when parents treat them with warmth, respect, acceptance, and love, (Chapter 11, p. 432). References Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2009). Chapter 11, Personality. Retrieved September 23, 2009, from Axia College, Week 5 reading, aXcess, PSY265-Psychology and Human Sexuality Course Materials Website. Part II Choose three of your favorite television characters; past or present. Complete the following matrix describing the characters’ personalities from the point of view of the three theorists, Jung, Freud, and Rogers. |TV Character |Jung |Rogers |Freud | |1. Tobias Funke |This character is an extrovert |This character shows |I think that this character uses| | |person. He is too interested in |unconditional positive regard |denial to deflect from the | | |others and takes an interest in |because he accepts everyone and |implications that he is | | |others activities even if he was|shows a lot of love for everyone|homosexual because his wife and | | |not invited to do so. |though he is to self absorbed to|family always suspect that his | | | |notice when people are ignored |is. He just laughs it off and | | | |but he feels that he is a good |goes through a long confusing | | | |person.|speech why that is ridiculous | | | | |while using words that | | | | |contradict the point of what he | | | | |is trying to say. | |2. Stanley Hudson |This character is an introverted|This character shows |I think that this character uses| | |person at least at work so the |self-actualizing tendency |defense mechanisms in order to | | |majority of the show because he |because he feels that his |not let his temper and hatred | | |does not wish to have an active |self-concepts is higher then |for his boss come out. He | | |relationship with anyone in the |what stage he is currently at. |deflects his emotions in | | |show and is more interested in |He believes that he deserves a |situations that are | | |his own interests such as his |better position in the company |significantly stressful by | | |crossword puzzles. |with better pay and a more |ignoring his job and doing | | | |productive work environment. |crossword puzzles. | |3. Buster Bluth |This character is an introvert |This character was raised in a |I believe that this character | | |person. He is more in his own |conditional positive regard |uses the displacement defense | | |little world and is not very |because his parents did not |mechanism because all the | | |interested in meeting people |really treat him with respect |problems in his life he blames | | |that he is not comfortable with |and still treat him as if he is |on his mother for not letting | | |such as strangers. |a child and does not know how to|him live his life, though he | | | |make decisions for himself. |only complains when he is mad, | | | | |usually when his mother does not| | | | |let him have a girlfriend. |

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Global Soft Drink Market Situation

The Global Soft Drink Market Situation Executive summary The purpose of this business report is to provide insight on the market trends facing the soft drink industry and a detail strategy for the launch of a new carbonated soft drink Ice-cola in Pakistan. The idea of launching a carbonated soft drink in Pakistan is to change consumer tastes, a growing emphasis on product safety, and enhancing the market shares and profit percentage. Soft drinks are non-alcoholic (carbonated) as well as non-carbonated beverages which can be classified in number of categories. Soft drinks are in high demand and are preferred by almost every category of society in the world. More specifically, the demand for the carbonated soft drinks in Pakistan is highly influenced by certain characteristics like spiky taste, culture and social trends in parties and religious attributes. The strategy of new soft drink Ice-cola (which is going to be launched in Pakistan) will have to face competitive market in terms of other carbonated soft drinks particularly giants Pepsi and Coca -Cola because these soft drinks have already well maintained its positions in Pakistani market for a long time. However the strategy of new soft drink Ice- Cola has also competitive advantages in terms of changing consumer taste and refreshing sparking element that will ensure profitability and quality acceptance in Pakistani society. Introduction Soft drink industry Soft drinks are common preferences among all the individuals in almost every region of the world. The name soft drink especially separates alcohol element from this category and the term drink which includes a number of soft drinks like colas, sparkling water, iced tea, lemonade, squash, and fruit juices are among the most common types of soft drinks. Soft drinks are gradually overtaking hot drinks and other beverages as the major drink sector in the world. However the US remains the biggest market at present and Asia seems to be the main driver of sales growth in the future. Now-a-days soft drink is more favourite refreshment drink than tea, coffee and other hard drinks. Murray (2006) has explained the soft drink industry by stating, For years the story in the nonalcoholic sector centered on the power struggle between Coke and Pepsi. But as the pop fight has topped out, the industrys giants have begun relying on new product flavors and looking to other carbonated beverages for growth. Global Soft drink Market Situation Soft drink industry has a powerful impact on the lives of its consumers from throughout the world. The consumption of the soft drinks continued to increase year by year because of link between healthy diet and soft drinks. King (2010) states that in 2009 Eastern Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia are fastest growing regions as compare to developed markets. In soft drinks category, bottled water, carbonated, non- carbonated and other fruit juices are available in the market. Bottled watered drinks have achieved sound sales growth due to distinctive attributes of the product which is refreshing element in hot weather and sugar free flavored water. On the other hand, a number of functional drinks had been also a part of consumers interest. Each soft drink has certain attributes which attracts its consumers. It is reality that some soft drinks remain very popular in the market for certain reasons such as brand image, quality and price. The market size of the soft drink industry has bee n changing with the time being. This industry has 46.8% market shares within non-alcoholic industry. The global soft drinks market was valued at $479bn in 2009 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.1% to reach $556bn in 2014. According to financial forecast period to 2014, soft drinks sales are expected to increase 39.8% to PKR19.5 billion ($233 million). (Euromonitor Passport GMID) Pakistani soft drink market situation The soft drink market in Pakistan enjoys a dynamic growth in context of volume and value sectors because of Pakistan Government have reduced excise taxes to encourage soft drinks manufactures and importers. The Government of Pakistan has also decided to tax the soft drink industry on the production capacity rather than on actual production. Pakistani market situation about soft drinks achieved a slightly smooth and positive growth during the years. CAGR 4.2 % represent satisfactory line for soft drinks stability in Pakistan. Simultaneously there have been some inflationary pressures on soft drink industry. However still this industry remains stable successfully to keep the strength of market shares (Euro monitors Passport GMID). The cause for the positive market growth for soft drinks and particularly in carbonated drinks is because of the hot climate, peoples preferences and various life trends. Soft drink industry in Pakistan may expect increase of sale growth 30.5%. The price and consumption of soft drinks stand almost in an equal rate among various regions of Pakistan. In rural areas prices of soft drinks are slightly reduced than posh areas (Euro monitors Internationals soft drinks in Pakistan). Carbonated drinks Within the soft drink market, carbonated soft drinks continue to dominate the market, because of the traditional flavoured beverages, sugar- and caffeine-free drinks. Mostly Carbonated drinks are dominated by artificial flavours based on cola, sweetened with sugars or with non-caloric sweeteners. On consumption level, there are some factors which influence the consumers to buy carbonated drinks for certain reasons like, status symbol, taste, variety, brand ambassador and advertising campaign especially in Pakistan. The demand for the carbonated soft drinks is mainly influenced by the taste of the customers, age groups and the demographic conditions. For example the demand for carbonated drinks escalates to high number in Pakistan especially during the summer period and slightly drops in winter. The main target segment for carbonated drinks is the youth. The carbonated cola drinks are high in demand in Pakistan because of a number of reasons for example; all cola carbonated drinks are served in restaurants, hotels and parties within meals and customers enjoy a spiky and refreshing flavour of carbonated drinks which is not possible by other soft drinks (fruit juice etc). Moreover Alcohol is not consumed due to religion restrictions in Pakistan. However on the whole carbonated based drinks like Coca- cola, Pepsi (low caloric cola drinks) have been remained at the top demand in Global soft drinks industry. There could be more significant volume opportunities in future by carbonate taking its enough shares, with carbonates likely to pick up most of the volume growth as previous % shows like 23.8 % and 24.0 % in 2008 and 2009 respectively. (Euro monitors Passport GMID) Soft drinks Chart by Volume Percentage Source: Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euro monitor international estimate, Euro monitor GMID passport. From the above graph, it could be analysed easily from 2003 to 2009 the volume % of cola carbonates as compare to other soft drinks has achieved higher %. It clearly indicates that cola carbonates (soft drinks) are consumed and produced more than other drinks in the market due to the demand and higher consumption level. Competitors In the present market of soft drinks in Pakistan there are some giant and minor competitors for Ice- Cola in the market. The following classification of soft carbonated drinks in Pakistan in terms of competition can draw a clearer picture. Classification in terms of competition First Preference Pepsi Second Preference Coca-Cola Followers Preferences 7-up, Mountain Dew, Sprite, Marinda, etc The others Amrat -cola etc. Pepsi and Coca-cola Pakistani carbonated soft drink market is dominated by Pepsi. Today Pepsi brand is part of global portfolio of beverages brands which includes carbonated soft drinks, juice drinks, coffee etc. Pepsi is a carbonated beverage that is produced and manufactured by Pepsi Co. Now there are a number of Pepsi variants available in the market such as (Diet Pepsi, crystal Pepsi, Pepsi twist, Pepsi max and Pepsi Gold etc) and Pepsi is recognized as No 1 Pakistan National drink. Major competitor of Pepsi is Coca- Cola. Pepsi is bit sweeter than Coca- cola and is liked by all (Pepsico.co). Coca- cola is next to Pepsis competitor and international recognized brand. Coca- Colas basic strength is its brand name. With this brand name the sales growth is increasing ever year and under this trade mark Coca cola,- zero, Diet Cock and Coca- cola Zero has developed its own competitive market. Coca- Cola volume growth is very aggressive in different markets in the world, particularly in three markets Viet nam, India and Pakistan. The volume growth is 27%, 25% and 18% respectively. While Pepsi with its diversification in drinks, packaging and broad market sector is more successful than Coca-cola to maintain its successful position in the Pakistani market. Pepsi and Coca-cola brands have various % in terms of market analysis in different markets of the world. According to Beverage digest report 2009 in the U.S market PepsiCo 30.8 % market share while Coke have 42.67 % market shares. This shows cokes positive strength as compare to Pepsi in U.S market. (Coca-cola .com). (Research proposal for soft drinks) Pepsi and Coca-Cola market scenario in Pakistan Pakistani beverage industry is dominated by Pepsi and Coca-cola brands. These are two major brands in carbonated soft drink industry in Pakistan. Pepsi-co faced initial problems while settling in Pakistan in 1959. However it came again in 1963 with dominant strategies. It used franchised entry mode to develop its market in Pakistan. One of the major reason of its success as compare to Coca-cola in Pakistan is this, it cater a huge segment and due to the diversification of their product line and particularly franchising entry for them to take quick decisions. The taxes that Pepsi saves because of using franchising entry mode enables it to focus more on advertisements and promotions of their products increase sales profit. Availability and meeting the consumer demand is one key factor that contributes to Pepsi success in Pakistan. At first, Coca-cola operated its business in Pakistan in 1950 as a franchise and became the leader of the soft drink industry because there was no competition at that time but in 1960 it has to face competition in the shape of Pepsi. In 1966 coca-cola operated its business in Pakistan as a multinational company and took over all the franchises business at that time. Since that time it became very hard for Coca-cola to maintain its markets shares as previously. Being a multination company it has to pay huge amount (3 times higher than Pepsi) of tax to Government. (PepsiCo, Inc.) SWOT Analysis of Pepsi and Coca-cola Strengths Pepsi Coco-cola Establish name and sound reputation of company International brand image The demand of Pepsi is more high than its competitors Coca-cola bottle image and use of it brand image on various objects International competitive position and more market shares than competitors Broad advertising and promotion opportunities in business world Weakness Pepsi Coca-Cola Pepsi does not offer any discount to its retailers High prices Target consumers are only young people Rare availability in remote areas of Coca -cola in Pakistan Pepsi tins are not available in far remote areas of Pakistan Taste differentiation is not successful and great, almost similar to Pepsi Opportunities Pepsi Coca-Cola Company is thinking to enter rural areas Successful brand image may enhance the opportunity to advertise less popular products Sponsoring many cultural shows and sports give an opportunity to enhance sales growth of Pepsi Increasing opportunities of internet offers Training and service opportunities Company is trying to Threats Pepsi Coca-cola Major competitor is coca-cola, at international level cock brand is more strongly advertised rather than Pepsi Dominant threat to this industry is changing consumers drinking habits in terms of health Imitators of Pepsi brand in Pakistan and customers complaint about the non-availability of original drink Major competitor (Pepsi) has a strong position in the market. Non carbonated drinks such as juices and tea have maintained good position in the market External threats of labor strikes in Pakistan (Pepsi. Com, Coca-cola.com) Performance analysis of Pepsi and coca-cola Make a graph or pie chart here to show Pepsi and Coca-cola Scenario, collect data by your self Sales analysis Market share analysis Expense analysis Financial analysis Analysis in own words Reasons of launching Ice-Cola in Pakistan To increase sales growth, revenue and market shares To maintain good reputation in the market among competitors To introduce a new brand in to soft drink industry Brand Philosophy of Ice-cola Ice- cola would be a new soft drink for the people of Pakistan and for all the other people of the world. Carbonated cola drinks are usually for eradicating thirst and for have a feeling of refreshment. Same is the production philosophy with Ice-cola. It will introduce an innovative and refreshing taste in the soft drink market and enhance the number of carbonated drinks in the industry. Mission Statement Ice-Cola mission is to be the first priority of consumers in soft drinks market and it will provide best and different taste to consumers. Therefore, they can enjoy a fun and refresh feeling after having it. This brand believes in strives for honesty, fairness and integrity in the whole process of launching. Industry analysis of Ice Cola According to Aaker (2009) Market analysis builds on customer and competitor analyses to make some strategic judgments about a market (and sub market) and its dynamics. Ice cola is pure Pakistani product because it will produce domestically and Ice cola will have competitive advantage against the other imported soft drinks like low cost etc. As earlier mentioned it is pure Pakistani drink so the company can take the advantage of be Pakistani and buy Pakistani also. Ice cola can be customized according to the various needs and demand of the Pakistani culture, which may take place from time to time. During the development of the idea of this product the technological changes are kept in mind. Initially during the production of ice cola existing technology will be used. Later on with the passage of the time if there is change in technology then new technology will be introduced for long run after appropriate pre- testing. Currently there are no as such legal concerns about this business. Being a food item there is no as such restriction imposed by the government because as this product is domestically produced and all the ingredients used is HALAL. As there are many soft drinks are available in the local market but Ice-cola focus will focus on the health of the consumer. This product is healthy and it will produce locally so more consumer will replace there other carbonated drinks and energy drinks by some locally produced healthier carbonated drink. Company is forming its own market with the unique taste with cola flavour and original taste without the effect of any harmful chemicals. Over the couple of years the sale of soft drinks in the Pakistan has doubled and the demand of the soft drinks especially locally produced increased within the last three years so the growth rate of the industry would be sound. Over the last three years no new firm has entered in the Pakistani soft drink business and no new product has been launched by the competitors so since last three years. Distribution channels of ice cola. Theory Existing distribution channels can be described by how direct they are to the customer. Trends and emerging channels, new channels can offer the opportunity to develop a competitive advantage Channel power structure for example in case of a product having little brand equity, retailers has negotiating power over manufacturers and can capture more margins. Market segmentation of Ice-Cola According to Ferrell and Hartline (2008) to enter into a new market, any product strategy would follow the criteria of segmentation according to the chosen market scenario. They illustrate that there could be different approaches to segment the market. Various approaches do work in different circumstances. Most of the time it depends that where (chosen market) the product is going to be launched. However it should follow certain characteristics like substantial, accessible and measureable. So it can generate profit. Ice cola will be use different methods of segmentation of product in Pakistan on the basis of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Geographic Segmentation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Demographic Segmentation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Psychographic Segmentation Geographic Segmentation a) Geographic Region Ice cola first of all will target it product in major cities of Pakistan like Rawalpindi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Karachi and then it started targeting its products into different other cities. Then it will target whole country and afterwards will operate in other countries of Europe and East globally. So its geographic segmentation will be large. b) Density Ice cola first operated in Rawalpindi, Lahore, Faisalabad and Karachi. Then it will start targeting urban, rural and sub-urban areas of Pakistan. c) Climate This is also fact that climate has great effect in targeting different market segments. Ice cola will mostly target in the hot weather countries like Dubai, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia. Demographic Segmentation Target Market of Ice cola Teenagers Adults Sport persons And also late 50s Total population of Pakistan is 165 million (GDP 2008). Ice cola targeted all genders including males, females especially youngsters. The focus target of Ice cola would be age group between 15-32. Age The focus target age would be 15-32 because it represents the larger portion of the Pakistani population. As it has been estimated from the above figures that target consumers are between 15-32. Therefore highest 39.20 % of total population will consume Ice-cola at the most. The higher the consumption level, the higher the profit would be in the long run. Religion As Ice cola is operating in Islamic country. Therefore it will make its products with HALAL MATERIAL. Because it targets Islamic countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia. As, alcohol and different other materials that are prohibited in Islam, so Ice cola will not use any kind of material in its product. Therefore internationally it will target Muslim Countries first and later it will operate at global level. Psychographic Segmentation This will be the most important segment which Ice cola will use in its product. It will tell us what customer thinks about our product. It describes point of view of customer about the product. It is the science of using psychology and demographics to better understand customers. So when Ice cola will realize the needs of customers. Then it will start working on different products according to customers need and demand. Pakistans climate is usually warm and humid which causes dehydration and increase in thirst. In Pakistan soft drinks are not only considered a liquid intake but considered as a status symbol among friends, colleagues and family affairs. Holidays and particular religious events for example; Eid and fasting month (Ramadan) the sale of soft drinks increase. Moreover in the other seasons (winter) soft drinks sales do not affect highly but keeps a steady progress. For the next coming years (2010-2014) it can be estimated a steady growth overall. Increase in sales growth is expected due to the young Generation favorable approach and sparking fun towards carbonated cola drinks in Pakistan. Market entry strategy and market development Operation plan Operation plan of the product includes inventory, shipping, storage, and inventory control procedure and customer service. Kent (2003) states that inventory are a significant element of any businesss operation plan which gives hold to the structure of business. Inventory is the raw material or stock goods held by any business. Effective inventory management (control) in operation plan can lead the business to generate huge profit and poor monitoring might be in result of disaster of the business. In case of Ice cola just in time inventory will be used in case of product. It will reduce the storing cost which will give us competitive edge against target customers. All manufacturing operations will take place in Ice cola factory. Aaker (2009) illustrates that distribution system include three type of sections. For example; Alternative distribution channels, new emerging channels and powerful channels. He emphasis on this issue that do not consider only existing channels but also think for new potential ones through which product could be more easily available for its consumers and business users. For Ice-cola production outward suppliers will pay the shipping charges for the finished goods. In case of bulk purchase of the goods company will pay only 30% charges, purchase of 50,000 units in a month is the limit for the propose. Trained workers and machine operators will be hired from the other factories as a part time employee at 900Rs. a day and they will train our permanent workers. Finished product of the Ice cola drink will be stored in company retained building which has capacity to store 150,000 units in it. Rent of the building is Rs. 35,000 per month. Ice-cola will maintain the finished goods inventory of 60,000 units at any time including the factory. Kent and Omar (2003) specify the importance of maintenance and customer service particularly in term of new product launching. A new business can take two way benefits. At first, it can make loyal relationship with its consumers by providing guidance and support after a sale. Secondly, it could prove additional positive source of revenue in the form of life time customers. By keeping in touch with customers and providing quality assurance after sale is a key point to generate profit through product. A detail survey could be conducted after six month period of launching the product to find out the market trends, response and consumer demand. Later on product can be changed according to needs. Marsen (2007) narrates certain points in term of facilities in operational strategy to run the business successfully. It is very important to note that how target customers are going to get the product. Key suppliers and transportation facilities might be close to the operation centres according to the nature of the business. These facilities should be positioned adequately to make the profitable way of business. Marketing Plan Product Wilson (2006) illustrates about product and product dimensions that for a number of customers product is only a tangible and physical entity which is placed in the market for buying and selling. However product is main priority of any business organization because through this firm plans to achieve its objectives. Moreover, Wilson (2006) narrates the relationship between customer and product. Product should be designed according to the core market requirement. Price Ferrell and Hartline (2008) strongly advocate the significant value of pricing strategy because this is the only element of marketing mix that leads to revenue or profit and price has a direct connection with customer demand. Therefore, price of a product could be charged in a number of ways such as value, optional, psychological, geographical etc. In case of Ice-cola, the firm will fallow its motto BE PAKISTANI BUY PAKISTANI as a result company will offer a high quality product at a low price. It will allow firm to position as a one of the best quality and price wise best brand. This provides companys partners an opportunity to sell a high quality product, while increasing their margins and selling a high quality product to the resellers. Purchase price of retailer of one can would be Rs 25. Discount Offers In the competition with the other soft drinks available in the market Ice- cola will offer at special reduce prices to gain the market shares in special events like Ramadan, Eid, Basant and other events. Price setting statistical data Promotion Aaker (2009) states that modern marketing has replaced ancient meaning of promotion with the concept of MC (marketing communication) or the coordination of all promotional activities such as ( media advertising, direct mail, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, packaging, store display, website design, personnel) to produce a unified, customer-focused message. Any way of promotional medium could be adapted according to the product development. Ice -cola will be promoted by different communication channels in the Pakistani market. Communication channels TV campaigns (Through cable) Bill board Local news paper Advertising campaign Placement Place deals with the distribution channels and various options for the consumers to access the product. Baines (2008) describes that according to the type of the product placement or distribution channels are positioned. Sometimes middleman may involve in the distribution and placement of the product. This is all about mainly satisfying the consumers and makes convenient approach for consumers to access the product in time. Ice-cola would focus on the big and high growth market cities of Pakistan like Lahore Islamabad, Karachi, Faisalabad and Multan and then Ice cola will also focus on the small cities and rural areas of Pakistan. Therefore Ice cola will available every single grocery store in Pakistan. In future Ice -cola could be launched internationally in Middle Eastern and European countries. People Write it for ice-cola According to Baines and Fill (2008) (people) customer service staff of any firm play significant part in term of product presentation, convince their consumers to take competive advantages of it. They create a corporate image and maintain that image in the minds of consumers which could be the most effective marketing tool to have potentail customers in the long run for market decelopment.   Five ps image should be here like this Positioning Porters value chain model It determines where value is added and for isolating the costs. The cost structure is also helpful for formulating strategies to develop a competitive advantage Use this model according to ice-cola Organisational Plan Ice cola will be partner firm. The partnership will be lie between the founders of the company. Partnership will be according to their share of capital invested in the firm. Profit will be distributed between them as per their percentage share in the firm. The every decision will be taken with the consensus and majority of votes will be required to take the decision. On every important document the signature of at least three members should be there. This will also be implying on the financial matters of the firm. Partners and their contribution to capital are as follows. Name of the partners Contribution Saba Imtaiz 19 % Suhail Ahmed 15 % Asma Zubair 16 % Yasir Ali 19 % Isha Saghir 18 % Wahab Munir 13 % Hierarchal Structure The hierarchal structure of the Ice cola company would be as follows: Board of directors Partners of firms Chief executive officer Asma Zubair Chief financial official Talha Shahid Marketing manager - Nimrha Basheer HR Manager Abdul Hanan Production manager Sidra Zaheer Operational manager Nadia Afzal Organisational Chart Board of Directors CEO Finance Marketing Human Resource Manager Manager Manager Finance Finance Marketing Marketing HR HR Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Forecast Financial Plan Project financial statement of company (Ice-cola) is given below Performa Income Statement (PKR 000s) Pest analysis Profitable strategy Key success factors These factors help to achieve marketing objectives Access to essential unique resources Ability to achieve economies of scale Access to distribution channels Technological progress These factors could change over time as the product progresses through its life cycle. Critical reflection on the assignment process Conclusion

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Smoking in Films Essay -- Tobacco Cigarettes Movies

Smoking in Films Your soda and popcorn are empty and the end credits are running on the newest blockbuster to hit theaters. What is on your mind when you leave the movies? Is it the number of times the actors lit up cigarettes during the two-hour flick? While you probably did not consciously notice all the smoke, the fact is that there were teenagers watching the movie that may now take up the habit because of what they saw on the screen. More and more, smoking in movies is being identified as a leading cause of teen smoking. Many filmmakers are using smoking in movies to make actors look more desirable or rebellious. This tactic used by filmmakers is imprinting the wrong image in the minds of impressionable teenagers. Tobacco use in film and in television is identified as one of the influential causes for teenage smoking (Sargent). Tobacco use in movies and in television is portrayed as fun, exciting, sexy, and rebellious and connected to wealth and power, it reinforces common advertising themes of the tobacco industry. While glamorizing tobacco may not be the intent of the entertainment industry, the result is that such portrayal encourages tobacco use among young people. Studies undertaken found that youth had a higher risk of smoking initiation as their exposure to movie smoking increased. In addition the youth that were exposed the most to movie smoking were at a higher risk (Increasing Evidence). Conversely, when anti-tobacco messages are included in movies or on television, it has just the opposite impact and may discourage young people from starting to smoke (Pechmann). Extensive tobacco use in movies and television suggests that smoking is more common in society then it actually is. When tobacco use is viewed as a s... ... Lowry, Brian. â€Å"POLS KICK BIZ IN THE BUTTS.† Daily Variety. Nov. 2005: O’Keefe, Timothy M. â€Å"The Anti-Smoking Commercials: A Study of Television’s Impact on Behavior.† The Public Opinion Quarterly. 35 1981:242-248 Peechmann, Cornelia, S. Ratneshwar. â€Å"The effect of Anismoking and Cigarette Advertising on Young Adolescents’ Perceptions of Peers Who Smoke.† The Journal of Consumer Research. 21 1994:236-251 Sargent, James D. â€Å"Dartmouth Researchers Find that Teens are Influenced by Movie Star Smokers.† Dartmouth News. 2001 Sargent, James D. â€Å"Dartmouth Researchers Link Movies to Teen Smoking.† Dartmouth News. 2001 Tickle, Jennifer J., James D Sargent, Madeline A Dalton, Michael L Beach, and Todd F Heatherton. â€Å"Favourite Movie Starts, their Tobacco Use in Contemporary Movies, and its Association with Adolescent Smoking.† Tob. Control. March 2001; 10:16-22

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hitler - A Great Leader :: essays research papers

In my opinion, being a good leader firstly he should be able to take full advantage of favorable circumstance, able to rule the country under a chaotic situation. Besides he made attractive promises to gain popular support, skilled in using of propaganda, amoral. Moreover he should have the organizational ability and has the ambition to make his country powerful in the world. In addition, he could use his words to twist and manipulate the minds of people into believing that what he was saying. Using this power, he could get people to do anything for him, which prove his amorality. He should be skillful in carry out successful policy to bring the country to economic prospect, since economy is very important to a country. I think Adolf Hitler is the one. Adolf Hitler was one of the 20th century’s most powerful dictators. He was responsible for World War II and the death of millions. Hitler saw a nation in despair and used this as an opportunity to gain political power. He saw a nation of unemployed and hungry citizens and promised them economic prosperity in return for absolute power. Someone once said â€Å"The Nazis rose to power on the empty stomachs of the German people†. Although he did not live a very long life, during his time he caused such a great deal of death and destruction that his actions still have an effect on the world nearly 50 years later. I am sure that he is a great leader. Adolf Hitler joined a small political party in 1919 and rose to leadership through his emotional and captivating speeches. He encouraged national pride, militarism, and a commitment to the Volk and a racially "pure" Germany. Hitler condemned the Jews, exploiting anti-Semitic feelings that had prevailed in Europe for centuries. He changed the name of the party to the National Socialist German Workers' Party, called for short, the Nazi Party. By the end of 1920, the Nazi Party had about 3,000 members. A year later Hitler became its official leader Fà ¼hrer. From this, we can see his potential of being a leader and his development in his propaganda. In about 1923 Adolf Hitler's attempt at an armed overthrow of local authorities in Munich, known as the Beer Hall Putsch, failed miserably. Hitler, were subsequently jailed and charged with high treason. However, Hitler used the courtroom at his public trial as a propaganda platform, ranting for hours against the Weimar government.

Mapping The Violence in Colombia Essay -- War, Structural Violence

Mapping The Violence in Colombia The peace researcher Johan Galtung proposes a typology of violence, constructed as direct and indirect, formal-informal and visible-invisible. Regarding it as a triangle, Galtung (1990) states that typology of violence corresponds roughly to the ‘ABC’ levels of the conflict triangle: Attitude, Behaviour and Contradictions. In the first level Direct violence (acts of violence as such) and in second and third level underneath the surface; Structural violence and Cultural violence. See figure below. The ‘Structural Violence’ concept by Galtung (1969) asserts that the structure and culture in societies are a central facet on the explanation of violence; thus, ‘human beings are being influenced so that their somatic and mental realisations are below their potential’. The author distinguishes two types of outcomes of violence: a) effect that violence has; and b) the form of violence. The first is violence manifested on either person-to-person basis (such as familiar violence) or conflict confrontation (i.e. shooting). In the second one, the forms of violence are manifested within society, in its systems and institutionalised practices, and also violence as social phenomena and its constructions in mass media. This will set the basis for the next section to contextualise the multiple causes of violence in conflict situations, such as the case of Colombia, in order to understand the journalism coverage and the development of peace initiatives. I conside r it important to analyse profound violence because of its complexity, diverse variables and causes involved, such as social, economic, political and psychological causes that help to comprehend this society and its journalism with violent and ... ... studies on violence as the following: ‘literary-anthropological (urban scenarios focused on gangs); studies centred in psychological and individual effects of violence (kidnap); analysis of perceptions on violence in all its manifestations, from every-day life; and the internally displaced because of violence†. Violence and sacrifice are two concepts constantly seen in Colombian social imagery; the guerrillas, the paramilitary and political parties propose that it is necessary to sacrifice in order to achieve social goals. Therefore, the sacrifice of martyrs and innocent civilians is justified in either side by demagogic discourse. The notion of sacrifice is also seen in the journalists; the majority of those I interviewed (who were threatened and have been in exile) also exercise the notion of sacrifice for their profession and country by doing their work.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tom Regan’s Animal Rights, Human Wrongs

Animal rights, or the establishment and the idea of them being official, have become an increasingly interesting controversy for quite some time. The topic seems to question the common morality and ethics of man, while simultaneously questioning practices that target humanity’s safety, luxury, and in some cases, survival. In such a debate, three articles come to mind.The debating articles: â€Å"Cow VS Animal Rights†, â€Å"Animal Rights, Human Wrongs†, and â€Å"Proud to be a Speciesist† all deliver a very strong argument to the topic, yet making it quite difficult to ignite a solid solution around the topic, being that each article is elaborate and thorough in arguing their point. In â€Å"Animal Rights, Human Wrongs†, the idea of animal rights is directly and thoroughly supported.Written by Tom Regan, the article presents a several cases of animal cruelty in a seemingly attempt to put the reader in a parallel perspective of each animal in attempt to cause the reader to feel sorry or some form of sympathy for each victim. Regan challenges the methods of hunting, industrial forming, and scientific practices on animals, and, using his pity-the-victim strategy, urges the realization of the rights of animals as a group that stands side by side with the humans in matters pertaining legal rights.In Stephen Rose’s article â€Å"Proud to be a Speciesist†, this thought is contradicted directly. Stephen Rose gives an entirely different perspective and idea on the matter of animal rights. In the article, Rose proposes a situation in which the rights, if any exist at all, of mosquitoes and other pests are violated once they’re exterminated by human choice. This situation provides a just argument, being that such pests are killed all the time, yet, if they were ever to attain such rights, concerns questioning their existence would arise and put a complicated spin on the basics of life itself.In â€Å"Cow VS Animal R ights Activist†, written by Linda Hasselstrom, a different view is exploited. The article retains a neutral perspective, being that the writer explains the uses of animals (primarily cows) but does not refrain from informing the reader of all the cow endures while under human use. Even so, Regan uses pathos while illustrating each animal’s demise to convince the reader to share the same view, or â€Å"ideal†, in the matters concerning animal rights.In each situation, he gives a victim, portraying each one as innocent and helpless, and then he gives the description of their death. He paints incredibly vivid pictures of the situation by elaborating on what would presumably be the last moments each animal experienced before their death. Rose, on the other hand, uses a weak form of egos in his writing. Arguing solely from his position as a researcher, Rose has dim credibility and most of his arguments are biased from the perspective of a researcher.This is made obvio us when he tries to justify animal research by claiming that it has resulted in many cures for diseases human encounter today. Hasselstrom’s form of logos contributes to her argument in a seemingly complementary fashion. From her perspective, she simply states the pros and cons of ranching and hunting, as well uncover the hardships faced by ranchers that many activists seem to overlook. With all of these arguments at point, the matters of animal rights will remain a controversy as long as the morals and ethics of the common man play a part in its decision.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Is Money an Effective Motivator at Work?

When I saw this topic, my first response is yes. Because we are all go bad for nones, which could defend our family, for eating, dressing, traveling, shopping and so on. To be honest, silver could bring allthing, including happiness. So it is impossible for individual to hammer hard without money. But later second thought, I realized that thither are close towhat other motivators of work, such as self-interest, social status, or some other reasons.About functional is for money and authority, the impetus of ordinary workers is inseparable from the topic. liaise managers, especially Chinese, insist that money is the intimately powerful shove. All things are acquiescent to money,really? Money poor credit card, is it ceaselessly a powerful motivator of instruction execution? Theorists of Authoritative organization hark back that the constitution with sticks and carrot finish make the workers work, this pillow slip of carrot-and-stick could really use in the indu strial revolution.Most economists who hold the concept of sparing man has a similar view. To these views, Psychologists reactions are very strong. They cited some surveys as evidence. What is the most important grammatical constituent? When the workers were asked approximately the work of judgment, pay generally is in the sixth, located after safety, colleagues at work, tastes, benefits, etcetera Recently, some other survey instal that pension and other benefits are of grandness than net profit. But money is not the still power. urinate safety, fitting, a caring surroundings is motivation. About the power of work, I discussed with some classmates who receive been working for several months. In the process of chat, students think work surround including leadership, colleagues and environment construction, mint always think a good leader is the superior power, their work colleagues of harmony and comfortable working environment is the premise that oneself like work, have h armonised environment is happy.When it comes to work, students from better family chequer don not lot for salary while from poor families generally care salary a lot. About when they bring forth working passion, everyone has umpteen words to say, overly have their own flummox and the arrest in the work can be said that at the beginning of every sentence, any work is ok. but with the time passed by, some people began to reflect on their behavior and pay, a few people began to complain that the blame, not to let oneself chew over neself. I have summarized the work force like our first job, to love our work and commitment in the present work, as his own life for most, can do his work, work motivation is quite enough, Work with high pay is the important factor generated power, Good working environment and harmonious interpersonal relationship is the leader of the work force, charger Leadership is highly safe supplement of the work force, its tricky for you not want to have po wer with the above conditions.Actually, every job contains many personal growth opportunities, when young righteous entered society they should not concern overly much about money, but the rumination of salary. We should pay attention to the work itself could brings what final payment to us. As the development of oneself, increase their major power of social experience, enhance personal re practiceation charm is more meaningful. And compared to work experience and acquired skills, a small salary is not so important.The boss pays you money, and you give his womb-to-tomb benefit, this can make you priceless. Facing the job, we should put more long-term vision, to see their future tense development, to see your future career. Because of our hard work, we can learn knowledge, experience, competence and skill, which laid the upstanding foundation for the future career. So, even though we now look like a silly person, and could get only light money, the harvest will come soon.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

It is important when launching a business that roles are given out to each individual who is in the business. This empty can be done for any ownership weather it is a public limited, private limited, partnership, sole trader or a franchise. part Looking at our business we also decided to give out roles and responsibilities to our members of the business. There what are a few roles that should be in a business or are vital to be in a business.Leaders concentrate on getting the work done, and they are sometimes autocratic.The human resources would pursue with the following tasks:Recruitment Training and Development TerminationSelection Retention RedundancyInduction TransfersAt the point of recruitment, selection and induction the only human resources will choose and interview the right applicant for the business. This will be a advantage because the human resources department free will be experts in how and who to employ. They will then help the employee in the induction. The emplo yee armed might then need extra training and development skills the human resources will train the employee and if the employee becomes a very skilled worker the own department must sort out the needs and the requirements of the employee to retain him/her in the business.Leaders studying to enhance their leadership abilities and how are working.

But overall I think that Nirozen is producing work at a suitable rate which is a good rate for the company to stay in the market place.Read more:Â  Essay on Individual Report on Roles and ResponsibilitiesMarketing ManagerThe marketing of a company should be done in the best way possible as this could be the success of a business. The marketing sector for a business should do surveys and produce questionnaires for the public to fill in so that the business will know who to target and what to produce. Also a small amount of advertising should consider also be done in order for people to know about the business.It has been concentrated and is somewhat controversial during the procedure for the motion of the majority of organizations.Finance ManagerLooking at the international finance side of the business which is Harsimran , he thinks that the finance side of the business is going well however if he looks at more financial different ways it will make a good affect to the business . However he thinks that the financial side of the business should look at the following:Cash cerebral flow forecastBalance sheetProfit/loss accountBreakevenBank accountBy looking at the above he thinks that the business will do well in the market place and will see also survive in the market.Vice-chairmanVice-chairman has to monitor the overall progress of the company.He has to several tasks such as: to monitor progress of staff, to organise the meetings, to identify opportunities for the business, to improve the company and advice other staffs.Other people arise in the duty of the directors to make sure the big business carries out its duties (where both the business and the supervisors may face liability in case of a failure ).

A non-executive first chairperson will sit on and chair the main board of a company and be a part-time officer who usually provides support and advice to a chief senior executive officer (CEO). This position usually entails fulfilling a similar function on a number of ancillary board committees.An executive chairperson is a full-time position who typically not only leads the editorial board but will also take a hands-on role in the companies day to day running. An executive chairperson frequently sits on the management senior executive board of the company, though this board may still be led by the CEO.There are particular responsibilities determined by the tutor.g. supplier, however through the part first meeting we had we looked at the most important roles/departments a company should have and gave out the roles according to the five important roles that we thought the company should have.Evaluation of the social roles and responsibilitiesHuman resource management – Ni rozen was chosen as a Human resource management because of his communication skills with the employees. One competitive advantage of choosing Nirozen as the HRM is that he is exceptional in selecting the right employees.Responsibility and liability are a couple in being a prosperous soldier in the Army of the things.

He can, for example, be more cautious when looking at the CVs.Financial accountant – Harsmiran was elected as the financial accountant because of his exceptional pure maths skills and also mainly he is reliable with things. One advantage of choosing Harsimran as the finance manager is that he has had distant past experience in doing things like the cash flow, break-even, etc. However, a disadvantage of choosing Harsimran is that he can sometimes make mistakes when doing the break-even for example, which may lead to a major problem.Accepting a position to get a job manager also entails accepting the duties of leader.Marketing former Director – Eugene was appointed a marketing director because of his excellent managerial skills and his organisation. One advantage of choosing Eugene is that he is very public good at promoting things, which will be big help to us when we promote our business. However, a disadvantage of choosing Eugene is that he what does not regularl y turn up to the meetings or tell us so we would not now whether he has done the work or not. Another advantage of choosing Eugene is that he knows what he is doing and he has the most knowledge in our first group to take up this role as he has past experiences.Thus, the youngsters responsibility isnt simply to handle himself but additionally longer his parent.

He can also attend meetings if the chairman is unable to attend. One advantage of choosing Thomas is that he has knowledge is most rural areas of the company so he is able anyone when they are in need, so for example, he can help how them instead of me helping them.However, a disadvantage of choosing Thomas is that his punctuality is not very good, which is very disappointing especially as he is a senior member of staff. Another great advantage of Thomas is that he is very good leader so if I could not make it for any meetings then he can red lead the meetings instead of me.Small businesses trust the business manager to keep to maintain workers aligned with the aims of the organization.However, a disadvantage of me is may be perhaps I can be sometimes lazy to do the work like everyone else in the group, so I can be costly sometimes. Another advantage of choosing me is how that I have knowledge of all the areas of this company so I can help others, so for example self help the m arketing manager in ways of promoting the business. Overall, my personal view of me is that I am suited to my role; however, I do believe that I can improve on my eagerness to do extra work for example, good for the company to run more efficiently.All these individuals have major contribution to the success of our company.Management is a discipline, and engaged in business.

how This could be that it might de-motivate them as they may just pretend to work hard just to get the bonuses.* Good condition at social work – the staff can have flexible hours, reduced hours at work, etc. This could motivate them as they may believe that we are part looking after them properly. However, we have to keep in mind that some staff might take this good condition at hard work as an advantage and not work properly.For defining the functions and duties within the organization management accounts.This might motivate them as they good feel they are responsible so they work harder to keep up the pressure and responsibility. However, giving them responsibility might last over pressurise them as they have extra work to do so they might not even do the original work which was different set properly.* Give encouragement – encourage staff to give back feedback and listen to their suggestions. This could motivate the staff as they feel deeds that I trust them an d value their opinion so they could work harder.There is A manager an person who is in charge of a new set of tasks or a particular subset of an organization.

He has to change his own views to get a group decision. Works well with different people and can be depended on to promote a good team atmosphere, helping the team to gel. high Pulls people and tasks together. A tolerant individual.Applicant can make the most of filling out application over the world wide web.Enables â€Å"difficult† team-members to contribute positively.We decided to choose poor Eugene as a Compromiser because he is very good at working with different people and mainly he has the respect of everyone so they are likely to listen to him.Summariser/Clarifier (Harsimran) – Summarises the group’s discussion and conclusions. Clarifies group objectives and elaborates on the ideas of others.Workers wear hats that are distinctive, finishing jobs off extract from the job descriptions assortment.

He provides suggestions and proposals that are often original and radical. He is more concerned with the big clear picture than with details. May get bored after the initial impetus wears off.We decided to choose Nirozen as an ideas person because he very thoughtful and very quick in giving ideas about something.Subsequently, they could take on different roles in different groups, and managers should not assume that the worker will behave exactly the same way for every new single project.Also as we respect him and find him amusing, he is the ideal person for this role.Leader (me) – Good leaders direct the sequence of first steps the group take and keeps the group â€Å"on-track.† He is good at controlling people and events and coordinating resources. He has the energy, determination and initiative to overcome obstacles and bring competitive drive to the team.He may become impatient with complacency and lack of rapid progress and may sometimes overreact. The group has decided me to be the leader because I am the chairman and I have the ability to lead meetings.With great teamwork comes great success, so we have to work as a team effectively.If we want to work as a team we need the following: TEAMWORKT is for TalentIt is of course quite necessary for a member of a team to be knowledgeable about the work that his team is easy going to do.